
Frank Reyes

Frank Reyes

In the summer of 2023, Frank Reyes embarked on an exciting journey with STR Constructors, LLC, assuming the role of a Commercial Superintendent.

With a wealth of experience and expertise, he quickly established himself as a valuable asset to the company. Frank boasts over two decades of experience in the construction industry, where he has consistently excelled as a Project Manager and Superintendent. His experience spans various facets of preconstruction and project management (CPM) services, specifically focused on commercial, industrial, municipal, and multifamily infrastructure projects.

Throughout his career, Frank has played a pivotal role in delivering outstanding results in both new construction and renovation projects across the central Texas region. His profound knowledge and exceptional leadership have made him an indispensable member of the STR Constructors family, ensuring the success and excellence of every project he undertakes.

Within STR Constructors, he is not only a Commercial Superintendent but also a mentor and source of inspiration to those around him, making him an invaluable member of the STR Constructors family.


What Is Value Engineering?

Construction projects of any kind are substantial investments, but there are beneficial ways to maximize the value of your project through value engineering. Learn more about how this method aligns with your budget and project.
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